The school lost its vehicle and all its buildings. So every morning Maryanne has to carry to the school all the food she plans to cook that day. Her home is an hours walk away.
There are no classrooms, there is no kitchen, there is no water…… but apparently the kids don’t care. They kept coming to the school anyway while the staff were clearing up, so Maryanne (Olng’arua School’s wonderful cook) thought she would start making them lunch. Then the teachers thought that they could be doing a few …
The kids miss their school. Many of them have been coming every day that they see staff members there, and getting involved in the clean up.
More journalists from various press and television outlets have been visiting the school. The continued media attention about the attack highlight just how shocking these events are, even in a country as troubled as Kenya is right now. Attacking the weakest and most vulnerable in society is regarded as deeply immoral and unacceptable. Who takes …