There is no mains water in Olng’arua or any of the surounding villages, and no piped water in any of the homesteads. The water comes from the river, if there isn’t any water in the river, there isn’t any water. During the dry season the river gradually retreats back towards its source in the Ngare Ndare Forest. So each day women walk a bit further to fetch water.
There used to be piped water at the school, each building had a tap outside. The kitchen had sinks and running water inside. When the school was attacked both the solar and the petrol pumps were stollen and the water tanks all caught stray bullets. It will be some time before the water system at the school is repaired and money raised to replace the pumps and tanks.
Until then this is also how all the water for the school is being collected. In 20lt cans from the river.