A local subspecies of the bush baby family, easily identifiable by their bright red colouring. . Unusually for a bush baby this subspecies is mostly seen during the day. . Though like others of the species they like to hide in bushes and are very adept at climbing. . The call of this bush baby …
We have had an influx of new children this year, which is great news, but it does mean the breakfast line takes a bit longer than it used to.
Arrive at school at 7.30am, the light is beautiful and the day is still cool. . Get your temperature checked at the gate before entering the school. . Wash your hands when you arrive, we want to keep the school free of the coronavirus, plus clean hands are just nice. . Remember to bring a …
While many parts of the northern hemisphere have been experiencing storms and snow in the last week, we have been visited by a storm of locusts. . Its all a bit Groundhog Day, did we really start a new year or are we just doing 2020 all over again? . After vigorous encouragement from the …