Lovely people continue to send us wonderful books. So many have obviously been chosen with great care and thought for what might appeal to young readers in northern Kenya. In fiction we have received English language classics as well as stories from other cultures. There have been poetry and art books, reference books, books that bring academic subject alive and books that explore far flung places and ideas.

Even more books for Olng’arua School
There is no such thing as too many books (ever) and especially not in a school. Please keep the books coming and don’t worry about sending duplicates, this is a school after all and multiple books can be very useful. I have not updated the wish list on Amazon for a long time because, quite frankly, you have all surpassed me in the skill of choosing good books. It also seems that most other online bookshops now delver here very successfully, sometimes it may take a while but everything seems to get here safely in the end. Feel free to send us used books too, they don’t need to be brand new for us to enjoy them.

Kids with the new books that have been sent to Olng’arua School