The area around the school has changed unbelievably in the last few weeks. After years of drought this new soft green world is very strange, and very lovely. None of the children in our school have ever seen as much grass or as many flowers.
The small ones are walking through a chest high jungle of grass and shrubs. The older ones lounge under trees, chewing grass stalks with silly grins on their faces and much laughter, slightly drunk on this green high.
Here are a few comparison photographs, during the drought and how it is now, to show just how much our world has changed.

A barren land, over grazed and crippled by drought

A meadow of sweet smelling flowers

The school kitchen area during the drought

The school kitchen surrounded by greenery
The school playing field, where last year we fed hay to starving zebra, is no longer a suitable location for our weekly football games, or any of our other normal sporting activities. We are thinking about starting swimming lessons though.

The playing field during the drought

The school playing field after the rains