Our Work
Sustainable development does not come from outside. It can’t be given to people on a plate, however tempting that might be, that doesn’t work in the long term. The objective of DARE is to assist the development of home grown projects. Projects people have designed themselves to meet needs they feel strongly enough about to work hard for.
Olng’arua School
Olng’aura School is a primary school and an education centre serving a rural pastoralist community and embracing the best of traditional culture while preparing children for a modern future.
The school’s objective is to provide a caring, high quality, holistic primary education to local children; with the aim of producing well rounded and capable young people who are confident and comfortable with both their traditional pastoralist heritage and their place in the modern world.
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Daring Exchange of Ideas
Daring Exchange brings together different communities and groups to identify each others problems and jointly find sustainable non violent solution. Read more…
Daring Women
Daring Women is about giving pastoralist women the extra support they need to start and maintain businesses. Read more…