It is three weeks since the last conflict related death in Isiolo. If you were to visit Isiolo town today you are likely to be told that the troubles are over, “Isiolo is peaceful now”. For some, and for the moment, this is true. However the residents of the worst hit areas, just a few …
On the last day of term, before breaking up for the Easter holidays, the children of Olng’arua Primary School held an important football match. This was no ordinary match. The school divided into two teams, loosely translated as the ‘Goats’ and the ‘Cows’. There were few rules (and those few were quickly discounted). The game …
At Christmas time Liberty raised money for DARE by making and selling ‘paper logs’. The paper logs are made by compressing old news papers with a paper log maker. Liberty told us that the logs burn for hours and that they were very easy to make. But Liberty’s entrepreneurial spirit didn’t end with simply making …